WELL today was quite the snore-z-ville. I worked 9 hours... NINE STINKIN' HOURS. I know some people will be like wahhh waaaaahhhh cry baby I work -insert hours here- hours EVERYDAY but you know what I don't care. When I left after my extended shift was over (some kid wanted to go camping and I was nice) at 4 I raced back to Kappa all the while wishing I could longboard and deciding this paycheck will probably buy me one. SO wallllked home (mile--at least) then got on my computer and fantasized about skateboarding all over campus while looking for my new longboard. then at 5:30 raced back to close... I happened to find a hilarious video and was sang to whitney houston while I closed. Though the diversity fair was going on I did not care. I had a fever... and the only cure was MORE WHITNEY. Any who this is the video, prepare to be amazed while peeing your pants with laughter.


kid's got mad skill. If I was blind I would probably think it's the diva in the flesh when it's really a Tiwanese? (I feel like there is smt more proper than that but it might just sound weird like San Diegan) boy with the same hair cut I had as a child belting out his guts.

Then the night ended with me playing several rounds of call of duty while my loverly friend Zack watched me play... I know weird. Usually the roles are switch but i was so duty deprived he let me complete two levels! Felt good. Then he and I went to the movie Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carrel. SO FUNNY oh my gosh I hope that is some day my life. Well I feel like an old lady because I can't keep up with all these crazy college kids... my bed is calling my name from the sleeping dorm. Sorry no wise words of wisdom or anything cool just a day in the life I guess.

My bible is AWESOME and gives me all these cool definitions of words so I thought I'd post of few randomly in hurr'

Strength- Capacity for exertion or endurance; support; the power of a person or of God, measured variously in therms of wealth, wisdom, military might, or physical prowess. Example: Exodus 15:2 Th LORD is my strength and my song;he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him- my father's God, and I will exalt him!

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