I should be paying attention.

This is my SECOND time to update my blog during my textiles class... I should be listening but we are learning about carpet. I am not kidding about his matter. 2% of the Woven carpet market is in the US. I'm one of those people who can do several other things and still know exactly what going on in class. I hate to say it but I am one of maybe 3 people who always answers questions. I'm not sure if it's because of the lack of intelligence in this class which trust me there is quite a bit or the... uh... actually I'm fairly sure this is the reason. I know this might sound insanely mean but, come to class with me some day and you will be shocked. This semester has been an amazing semester for me to work on my patience. I am one who is quite quick to get very annoyed and frustrated with people. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is when women act less intelligent than they are because they think it's cute and boys will like them. Oh NO. Girls embrace your intellect. If you date a guy who is dating you because he thinks you're dumb you are not with the right person. I'm not quite sure why I'm ranting about this but I'm just getting really sick of girls talking about how dumb their boyfriends are when they act like a bimbo around them. To me it's quite simple be who you are, love your self or no one else can and if you're a intimidating intelligent BA some guy out there is going freak out when he meets you and think FINALLY.

Enough about that though. My longboard came in finally and I'm in LOVE with it. I ride it mostly everywhere. I'm kind of freaked out to ride it on windy days or on sketchy street mainly due to the massive bruise on my knee and arm and from the rather large chunk missing from my elbow. I've been made fun of and asked out so far so both sides of the spectrum but I really don't care what people think. Since I was little I've said to myself I'm going to be one of those super cool skateboarding chicks when I'm in college. The super cool part is debatable but the skateboarding part is finally true, so... sorry people who think it's unladylike or what ever. I'd just like to say I longboarded in a dress the other day.

Arry' Potta' Status day is SUNDAY but I'm starting early because of how many awesome, inspiring quotes there are in the books.

"It is my belief... that the truth is generally preferable to lies." -Albus Dumbledore

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Rainy days.

I woke up today at 7 a.m. to an earth shattering BOOM of thunder. Awesome. I'm not the biggest fan of thunder and lightning, I know you're more likely to get attacked by a bear than struck or something like that. But, I live in KANSAS. No bears and the fact that we're super flat makes me think the odds are a little different for us. Bonus for the day is it's EARTH DAY! yay earth!

I love how passionate people are on Earth Day, for example, a rather small college boy had roughly 80 plastic bags tied together in a form of super hero costume. He running around campus with a group of people getting soaked, shouting through a bull horn how awesome earth is. It makes me think that people might actually listen to them. I could give you my super cheesy philosophy on earth and treating it poorly but I think I'll refrain.

I also am OBSESSED with blogs, as you can probably see... this however, is one of my favorite ones of all time. These awesome people draw out their recipes super cute and make you want to cook! Also, note that I am OBSESSED with Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and basically anything Jamie and I think he would appreciate this blog:


This is a rather pointless rambling so I'm going to stop now! Have a wonderful day and pick up some trash!

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Jesus Christ Superstar!

Wow is my life crazy today! I'm running on roughly two hours of sleep but I really wanted to blog since it's been such a long time! As most of you know on of the routes I would love to go with fashion design is creating costumes for movies or Broadway. Well I figure since I'm in Kansas I'm gonna work every show that comes my way doing wardrobe! It just so happens that tonight Jesus Christ Superstar the traveling Broadway show is here and I am doing costumes for it! When "Brenda" the head costume lady was picking who does what, handed me the notes for Mr. Ted Neeley. I about pee'd my pants. Apparently being vocal and doing what you know how to do gets you sa-weet dressing jobs. For those of you who don't know Ted Neeley is THE JESUS. He's in the movie on the soundtracks everything... he's been doing this role for like 34 years. Basically the entire industry (meaning Broadway) knows who he is.

This also tragically included doing roughly three hours of laundry of people's socks, underwear, bras, pit pads, and everything else that makes me wanna vom. Awesome.

This is me in Mr. Neeley's dressing room... it's really blurry because I was freaking out he was gonna turn the corner and be like uuuhhhmmmm hey? because unlike the few other people I'm dressing I can't just walk up to him and be like hey let me know if you need anything i'll be working your quick changes or w.e. I have to have Brenda introduce me because he's famous haha.

Anyways I'm charging everything I own right now and about to go take a nap to charge my body. I have to be back at 6 I'll update you all after the show!

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WELL today was quite the snore-z-ville. I worked 9 hours... NINE STINKIN' HOURS. I know some people will be like wahhh waaaaahhhh cry baby I work -insert hours here- hours EVERYDAY but you know what I don't care. When I left after my extended shift was over (some kid wanted to go camping and I was nice) at 4 I raced back to Kappa all the while wishing I could longboard and deciding this paycheck will probably buy me one. SO wallllked home (mile--at least) then got on my computer and fantasized about skateboarding all over campus while looking for my new longboard. then at 5:30 raced back to close... I happened to find a hilarious video and was sang to whitney houston while I closed. Though the diversity fair was going on I did not care. I had a fever... and the only cure was MORE WHITNEY. Any who this is the video, prepare to be amazed while peeing your pants with laughter.


kid's got mad skill. If I was blind I would probably think it's the diva in the flesh when it's really a Tiwanese? (I feel like there is smt more proper than that but it might just sound weird like San Diegan) boy with the same hair cut I had as a child belting out his guts.

Then the night ended with me playing several rounds of call of duty while my loverly friend Zack watched me play... I know weird. Usually the roles are switch but i was so duty deprived he let me complete two levels! Felt good. Then he and I went to the movie Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carrel. SO FUNNY oh my gosh I hope that is some day my life. Well I feel like an old lady because I can't keep up with all these crazy college kids... my bed is calling my name from the sleeping dorm. Sorry no wise words of wisdom or anything cool just a day in the life I guess.

My bible is AWESOME and gives me all these cool definitions of words so I thought I'd post of few randomly in hurr'

Strength- Capacity for exertion or endurance; support; the power of a person or of God, measured variously in therms of wealth, wisdom, military might, or physical prowess. Example: Exodus 15:2 Th LORD is my strength and my song;he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him- my father's God, and I will exalt him!

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facebook, twitter and now blogging?

--Hey there.
Of course I would follow the crowd and blog. I guess this is the new Xanga HA! Does anyone remember those? You would write about your oh so interesting middle school days and hope you got comments from the boy you liked on it. Oh middle school. I decided I would do this after several hand cramps of writing in my diary cough cough I mean... JOURNAL. I know there are cool blogs dedicated to one specific thing out there like fashion, cupcakes, outdoorsiness ya know the usual. I'm not sure if I'm qualified to write about anything other than what I know and what I know is a big mess of randomness. Thus, Crazy Ever After was born. Sorry for the made up words, randomness, and awkwardness that is to come of future posts. So welcome to my mind and the madness, I can tell we're going to be best friends. =-D

-- Actual Events of today.
I should probably start with yesterday a wee bit. I went to my moms house so we could go buy shorts because I have been rockin' the lone pair of shorts I've had since my freshman year of high school. eeks. Then I made an awesome dinner courtesy of Jamie Oliver. I'm obsessed with him for those of you who don't know. (watch his show tomorrow and you'll see why). I then drove back for my 9:30, there is something about driving 70 with the windows down belting out songs that is very "recharging". Gives you a wonderful burst of energy for the day.

Today happens to be a day without shoes for toms. I could only do it for MAYBE an hour. I'm creeped out by feet and well you can only imagine my thoughts seeing so many today. *cringe* Today was BEAUTIFUL. It amazes me how God can have you sweat one day, freeze the next, and then make days like today.

Speaking of God, I had a light bulb go off in my head the other night via roommates. Erin and Courtney were talking about how sacrifice is a major part of spiritual life. I thought they are so stinkin' right. Thus I have re-given up the sweet nectar known as Diet Pepsi (and all other pops) until I learn to listen when I pray. I often just talk and talk and talk... in real life and in prayer but I don't take the time to let God get a word in. Then I get distracted which easily happens and I have no direction, no point of my prayer. God already knows what my struggles and wishes are... he sees them every day, there is no need to just re-list my daily events before I go to bed and expect something to be done. I need to listen to see what I'm supposed to actually do. My verse of the day:

John 10:27-28. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand".

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