I should be paying attention.

This is my SECOND time to update my blog during my textiles class... I should be listening but we are learning about carpet. I am not kidding about his matter. 2% of the Woven carpet market is in the US. I'm one of those people who can do several other things and still know exactly what going on in class. I hate to say it but I am one of maybe 3 people who always answers questions. I'm not sure if it's because of the lack of intelligence in this class which trust me there is quite a bit or the... uh... actually I'm fairly sure this is the reason. I know this might sound insanely mean but, come to class with me some day and you will be shocked. This semester has been an amazing semester for me to work on my patience. I am one who is quite quick to get very annoyed and frustrated with people. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is when women act less intelligent than they are because they think it's cute and boys will like them. Oh NO. Girls embrace your intellect. If you date a guy who is dating you because he thinks you're dumb you are not with the right person. I'm not quite sure why I'm ranting about this but I'm just getting really sick of girls talking about how dumb their boyfriends are when they act like a bimbo around them. To me it's quite simple be who you are, love your self or no one else can and if you're a intimidating intelligent BA some guy out there is going freak out when he meets you and think FINALLY.

Enough about that though. My longboard came in finally and I'm in LOVE with it. I ride it mostly everywhere. I'm kind of freaked out to ride it on windy days or on sketchy street mainly due to the massive bruise on my knee and arm and from the rather large chunk missing from my elbow. I've been made fun of and asked out so far so both sides of the spectrum but I really don't care what people think. Since I was little I've said to myself I'm going to be one of those super cool skateboarding chicks when I'm in college. The super cool part is debatable but the skateboarding part is finally true, so... sorry people who think it's unladylike or what ever. I'd just like to say I longboarded in a dress the other day.

Arry' Potta' Status day is SUNDAY but I'm starting early because of how many awesome, inspiring quotes there are in the books.

"It is my belief... that the truth is generally preferable to lies." -Albus Dumbledore

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