facebook, twitter and now blogging?

--Hey there.
Of course I would follow the crowd and blog. I guess this is the new Xanga HA! Does anyone remember those? You would write about your oh so interesting middle school days and hope you got comments from the boy you liked on it. Oh middle school. I decided I would do this after several hand cramps of writing in my diary cough cough I mean... JOURNAL. I know there are cool blogs dedicated to one specific thing out there like fashion, cupcakes, outdoorsiness ya know the usual. I'm not sure if I'm qualified to write about anything other than what I know and what I know is a big mess of randomness. Thus, Crazy Ever After was born. Sorry for the made up words, randomness, and awkwardness that is to come of future posts. So welcome to my mind and the madness, I can tell we're going to be best friends. =-D

-- Actual Events of today.
I should probably start with yesterday a wee bit. I went to my moms house so we could go buy shorts because I have been rockin' the lone pair of shorts I've had since my freshman year of high school. eeks. Then I made an awesome dinner courtesy of Jamie Oliver. I'm obsessed with him for those of you who don't know. (watch his show tomorrow and you'll see why). I then drove back for my 9:30, there is something about driving 70 with the windows down belting out songs that is very "recharging". Gives you a wonderful burst of energy for the day.

Today happens to be a day without shoes for toms. I could only do it for MAYBE an hour. I'm creeped out by feet and well you can only imagine my thoughts seeing so many today. *cringe* Today was BEAUTIFUL. It amazes me how God can have you sweat one day, freeze the next, and then make days like today.

Speaking of God, I had a light bulb go off in my head the other night via roommates. Erin and Courtney were talking about how sacrifice is a major part of spiritual life. I thought they are so stinkin' right. Thus I have re-given up the sweet nectar known as Diet Pepsi (and all other pops) until I learn to listen when I pray. I often just talk and talk and talk... in real life and in prayer but I don't take the time to let God get a word in. Then I get distracted which easily happens and I have no direction, no point of my prayer. God already knows what my struggles and wishes are... he sees them every day, there is no need to just re-list my daily events before I go to bed and expect something to be done. I need to listen to see what I'm supposed to actually do. My verse of the day:

John 10:27-28. "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand".

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